Hey, I`m Vivek Parmar
Innovating the future, one line of code at a time. 🚀💡

I`m a developer based in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, with 3 years of experience working with Sitecore , .Net, Javascript. Specialize in building , expectional website, applications and everything in between. Currently, I am looking for position where I get appreciation of my knowledge.

For over 3 years, I have cultivated a deep understanding and expertise in Software Engineering, always prioritizing the users needs. In every project I undertake, my aim is to craft tailored, intuitive, and thoroughly tested experiences that align the goals of companies with the expectations of users.
October 21 - Present
Full Stack Developer - 6 Months
Software Engineer atEInfochips| Project -Arrow
  • Developed layout components in Sitecore using MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture
  • Built headless applications using Angular for decoupled front-end architecture. Leveraged Angular Universal for server-side rendering (SSR) to improve SEO and performance.
  • Integrated Apache Solr with Sitecore CMS for advanced search capabilities. Designed and implemented Solr schema configurations to optimize search indexing and querying.
  • Deploy the build to Production & lower environment ,and also work on production incidents.
  • Successfully Installed Sitecore vulnerability hotfix patch in all environment.
  • Making websites accessible to all by removing barriers for people with disabilities (Based on WCAG 2.1 Guideline)
  • Used Fortify tool for identifying and fixing security vulnerabilities in software applications.
  • Migrate project from .Net framework 4.8 to .Net 7
  • Implemented dynamic sitemap generation based on content updates and site structure & other SEO technique to improve SEO and search engine crawlability
Jan 2021 - May 2021
Internship - 5 Months
Application Development atInnoventix Solutions
  • TeleHealth Application that can interact between patient with Client to solve Health related problems.
  • It includes Video,Calling,chat,admin,managing Clients, Billing and Insurance.
  • Create Rest Api for application
  • It has Hippa Supported all feature that is necessary for Telehealth App for US law as Client from US.
See my Recommendation on Linkedin
Professional Skillset
Tools (CI/CD)